Hi family and friends! I can't find the cord for my camera at the moment, but people have been asking me about Cameron, so I thought I would write a quick post. Cameron is FINE! Hooray! The lactose-free diet is working and he's putting on weight. He's a happy, healthy little boy that is quiet firey. I call him a brute because he will fall and get right back up. He has a high tolerance for pain and a low tolerance for coddling. He can also be quite the monster - when he gets mad he throws things, spits and bites. This is all new to me, Chase is such a sensitive child and never did such things. More proof of how diferent siblings are! He definitely has a sweet side, though, and loves to pick up his lamb or elephant and give him hugs and kisses. I'm so glad all these tests have turned out for the easiest posible sollution. Living with lactose intolerance is much easier than living with CF. I hate that the doctors scared us like that, but am glad we finally got it figured out. We go back for a GI follow up in August, but expect to hear all good things. Thanks for checking in on us, we appreciate it!
3 weeks ago