Monday, September 22, 2008

August and September have been busy months for us. Cameron is a HUGE baby, he's wearing Chase's 12 month clothes and he's not even 6 months yet. It's amazing to watch him grow and see how different he is from his brother. Chase was rolling all over the place by now but not sitting up. Cameron is sitting really well on his own now, but doesn't roll much. He's almost rolled over from his front to his back. This is all fine with me, the less mobile the better in my opinion! Chase also got a tooth when he turned 6 months and I don't think Cam is going to get one in a week. He's chewing on everything and drooling a lot, but his gums aren't swollen.

In August we had fun at the fair, went to Reno for my Body Shop conference and then we went to Fresno to see family, meet our new niece, Abbey, and have some good family time. I'll post some pictures from recent events.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Quick Update

Hi everyone! Sorry it's been forever. Just a quick update on exciting Dunbar news. Chase is now pretty much potty trained, woo hoo! Cameron started eating solid foods the other day. Just cereals now, but he loved it. Chase is my genius baby, he's always been smart but now he's learning to spell, it's pretty amazing to watch. He started in the 3 year old class at preschool this week. I'll post some pictures soon.